It Is Okay To Be Sad

The world is filled with suppressed emotions. Do not be afraid to be sad! It does not show cowardice or weakness. Unless out of total unproportions, it shows a small piece of human will that is natural. Whatever the circumstances, being sad is part of the stages of grieving, without that YOU WILL NOT PROPERLY HEAL LONG TERM! 
Now it is important to be sad at certain times, but it a whole other story when you use that sadness and channel it into a wallowing of self pity. When this happens you go from productive to destructive. You shut your brain down and focus only on the negative. The past is unchangeable, but the future is! When you sit there moping for too long, you are wasting the future that God has intended for you. Sadness is a channel for us to heal. Sadness turns to depression when our lives and livelihoods are affected in a way that we can no longer function properly. If this happens for any extended period time, it is important to seek counseling or reach out to your spiritual advisor The goal is to be the best version of yourself. Yes, you may and should expect to fail at times, but that is what experiences are all about. It is so easy to look at someone and see how much better they have it. As soon as we accept our own cross, the better we will be for it. If we can not change our circumstances, we must change our mentality for it does no good otherwise. We must transition from sadness to peace eventually... not downward towards depression. What are your tips to stay balanced?


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